Vikram Kulkarni
Senior Security Consultant
More by Vikram Kulkarni

Tinder Flaw: Location-Based Application Payment Logic Bypass
April 4, 2016
The location based payment option of Tinder can be abused to use Tinder in the US, using a promotional offer of $3 per month instead of the usual $10 per month charge...

Intercepting Native iOS Application Traffic
August 4, 2014
In this blog, we will go through proxying an iOS application which uses native web sockets to interact with a web server. The blog will help penetration testers who are trying to intercept sensitive data that is being sent by an iOS application in a non-trivial manner over the network because some applications do not respect the iOS proxy settings.

Bypass iOS Version Check and Certification Validation
July 28, 2014
Certain iOS applications check for the iOS version number of the device. Recently, during testing of a particular application, I encountered an iOS application that was checking for iOS version 7.1. If version 7.1 was not being used, the application would not install on the device and would throw an error.

Reverse Engineering iOS Applications in a Fun Way
December 13, 2013
Analyzing iOS application files to manipulate objective C functions is not a trivial process. The most common way to perform reverse engineering is by class dumping ipa files to discover all the class names and methods present in an application. This can be done using Cycript.