On March 31, 2022, Florindo Gallicchio was featured in the BetaNews article, World Backup Day Highlights the Importance of Keeping Your Data Safe. Preview the article below, or read the full article online.

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Today is World Backup Day, which is a good opportunity to remind you that you only have a couple of days left to get your hands on some free backup software courtesy of our AOMEI giveaway.

It’s also an opportunity to look at the continued importance of backups even in the modern world of clouds and SaaS applications. A new report from Crucial highlights the ongoing cost of data breaches which has risen 9.8 percent from 2020 to 2021.

There are also plenty of hints and tips on offer to help you make your backups effective and painless to carry out.

It’s important to regularly review your backup strategy says Florindo Gallicchio, managing director and head of strategic solutions at NetSPI, “One way to do this is by ensuring that backups with all of the organization’s critical data are routinely, completely, and securely assessed — as this is a necessary step in recovering from a possible ransomware attack. These backups should be encrypted so that sensitive data is not disclosed and stored in such a way that an organization can recover its data in a timely manner, as this is necessary to minimize disruption to business operations. Additionally, organizations should regularly revisit and test disaster recovery and business continuity plans to validate that ransomware and other threats won’t impact the integrity of any backups.”